Job Highlights
BC Stewart & Associates
Our Services





BCSA provides a wide range of services to our clients.  Among the many services we provide are the following:
ADA and Section 504 Accessibility Studies and Compliance Plans
BCSA provides full ADA and Section 504 accessibility studies and compliance plans for municipalities, public housing authorities, and non-profit and for-profit housing and commercial enterprises.  All of our studies include photographic and narrative documentation of existing conditions and the development of transition plans for future compliance.  As required, our architectural associate provides follow-up technical assistance as well as detailed specifications.   
Affordable Housing Studies/Community Development and Consolidated Planning
BCSA provides cities and towns, counties, and HOME consortiums with a full-range of affordable housing and community development studies and plans, including Consolidated Plans.  BCSA also assists many of our clients in meeting legislative and/or requlatory affordable housing requirements.
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
BCSA provides all of the necessary services for communities to analyze impediments to fair housing and to implement achievable measures to overcome any barriers.
Asset Management--Physical/Capital/Comprehensive Needs Assessments
BCSA provides public housing authority owners and owners of Housing Finance Agency and HUD-assisted properties, as well as private property owners, with the full range of services required to manage their assets properly.  BCSA performs Housing Finance Agency Capital Needs Assessments, Public Housing Authority Physical Needs Assessments, and HUD Comprehensive Needs Assessments for a wide-range of clients.  Our asset management work frequently involves the detailed analysis of a property's financial condition and recommendations for improvement. 
Board and Staff Training
BCSA's Senior Associate, Dr Wendy Haynes, is a skilled trainer focusing on leadership and accountability.  Among her credentials, are the training of all property management staff for the Fall River, MA Housing Authority.  BCSA also conducted joint board and staff training with the Abany, NY Housing Authority in the design and implementation of a new mission statement along with goals and objectives.
Development Consulting
 BCSA has assisted housing agencies in Albany,NY, Fall River, MA, Lowell, MA, Waltham, MA, Watertown, MA, and Webster, MA secure funding, millions of dollars, for development and redevelopment initiatives.
Legislative and Regulatory Reform
Mr Stewart, Principal of BCS, worked with both the Massachussets and New England Chapters of NAHRO on legislative and regulatory reforms both locally and nationally.
Management and Organizational Needs Assessments
 BCSA provides its clients with complete management and organizational assessments.  We typically utilize evaluation to standards ( e.g.,HUD PHAS metrics), methodologies and frequently review the organizational capacity to deliver results.  in some cases, BCSA will recommend a new organizational structure, new staffing and we'll even provide new job descripions.  Two good examples of BCSA's work in this area are the Fall River, MA and Richmond, VA housing agencies.
Public Housing Authority Annual and Five Year Agency Plans
 BCSA has assisted many housing authories with their annual and five year plans. Our work with the Waltham, MA and Watertown, MA housing authorities are good examples of  this work.
Strategic Planning
 In many cases, BCSA capitalizes on and enhances its work with strategic planning to help it clients get to the next level  Our work in Fall River, MA and  Albany, NY are two good examples where we have provided these value added services.



Contact BC Stewart & Associates: email: bernie@bcstewart-associates.org or
tel: (617) 686-7904.


